In The Tree Tops

Autumn trees revealing whats in the tree tops, only one Shag at home looking a little lost.

This is the tree which I blipped my Shag series from. I was relaying the events of the bottom nest which has the best view of the lake below and beyond. Not quite your up market dwelling in our terms but in the Shags terms it was the best.

It was built between the sturdiest of branches with less sway from storms which passed by and earthquakes which rattled the roots of the tree. It has the best take-off and landing facilities, no need for any near misses or nose dives. There was plenty of room to stretch out and for the young family to grow, they were Pied Shags not the Little Shags.

It was the first built of this sub-division and quickly occupied. There has only been one family in this nest, I wonder if the same family will return before the leaves bud up. The other nests are not as sturdy bouncing around in the wind, you wouldn't want to be prone to motion sickness! The Little Shags occupied most of the higher nests but some late comers of the Pied Shags had to take what was available, some fine areobatics were required to access their nests and quite often missed the first couple of times - they can be clumsy birds at times.

Don't ask me why I blipped this, it just caught my eye today as I noticed the tree thining out. Its been a long day, groceries and a little unsuccessful shopping. A 4.6 rattler came through at noon, had me wondering why the car started to shake! Feeling quite tired now, its after 9pm and I still have the washing to fold and dishes to do - will head away and probably won't be back tonight.

Hope your all well - thankgoodness its Friday tomorrow!! :)

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