Wonder weevil

Best viewed *large*

Out all day till late afternoon when obviously it started raining. Not my best macro, but my first weevil spotted this year. I find them incredibly cute as insects go. It's hard to see the snout on this photo, that's, if you know where to look! I'm still getting frustrated at the lack of good weather, actual *flowering* wildflowers & insects in my garden... if I don't get a *wealth* of choice in the next fortnight, I think I'm going to go stark raving MAD! Ok, I probably ask for too much too soon, but that macro lens is just itching in my hands.... come on butterflies (calling them up), come on beetles, come on flying insects, come on dragonflies.... *does an insect dance*....

Meanwhile.... Larry:

Best foot forward

Oh & *does a sunshine dance too*... which includes *no wind* & *warm air*.... if you ask me, I'm going to do a lot of dancing for a while, it's just such a shame I can't dance! ;-) xxx

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