
By Glicious


So I left Seville
And headed south
With a detour East then West
Spanish trains are pretty nice
But put my patience to the test
I ended up in Jerez
Fed up and rather tired
So I jumped into a taxi
Feeling rather uninspired

Got the train with my friend and said goodbye in Cordoba, she went to catch her flight in Malaga and I went on with what was to be a very long and boring journey.
These windmills are all over the place, esp near the coast and Tarifa where it's very windy. I love them.
I got to La Linea and my lovely friend picked me up and took me home, oh how I've missed her. Her new house is ace and I have claimed the spare bedroom for when I go back and live there (it's so tempting) Anyway, a night on the sofa with a pile of chinese food was just what the doctor ordered. ahhhh and relax.

back blip 7th April

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