In Between Days

By jase

How You Feel Today

Not an easy challenge title if you are not having the best of days but to be honest I've been a bit fed up, a bit bored and felt a bit housebound with the need to get out. I'm annoyed by the fact that I spend all week looking forward to the weekend and then don't do anything in particular with it. What is there to look forward to if the weekend is just spent on household chores and the like? I need more from my weekends I think. The weather doesn't help.

Well I did do some things. I moved the dehumidifier from the cellar (it's heavy!), cleaned it up and put it in the bathroom to help after the leak. I took lots of clothes to the charity shop. I made lunch. I altered a light by making the cord longer and in the end I did get out for an hour with Alana which was nice - quick visit to the supermarket and garage and then half an hour flying my new little power kite. Then it rained and it was tea time so we came home.

I actually managed to watch a film too - Dr Strangelove. Different but I enjoyed it. Well tomorrow is another day and it's still the weekend.

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