
By JillyMint

I'm back!

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Hooray - our first swallow! Hopefully soon followed by some more swallows, a few swifts and many more house martins. A couple of days late but I'm SO pleased to see him/her! From now on we will be able to delight in their aerial acrobatics and noisy clicks and squeals. Ooh I love it!
The detail isn't brilliant (it is cropped quite a lot) but I am sure there are 2 flies on this shot (and no I haven't added them in Ps)!
Nesting update:
blue tits slowly filling up box1 with nesting material
box2 seems to have sparrows in. They aren't nest building, just using it as some sort of playroom at the moment. Sparrows are a first in this box. Over the years we have had great tits and blue tits in it.
Mallards haven't been back for a week
Toadlets looking a bit more like tadpoles now

I'll be back later. Work tomorrow so catching up on all the things I should have done in the last 2 weeks.....

Canon 5D; 400mm; ISO400; f/5.6; 1/3200"

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