I'm back!

After a week or so of sulking, following a loss of photos and various other things going on, I'm back in Blipland. I've managed to recover some photos from a memory card, thanks to DP, but am booked in to see an Apple Genius on Wednesday to try and find the rest.

So, I've back-blipped to the Paralympics at the Velodrome - my last day in Beijing and have added blips for the days I got my camera out since. My grand-plan of having a big blipday on a big day (tomorrow) went out of the window because I haven't taken a picture every day since I've been back. Dammit!

Anyway - this ticks the assignment box and is also a mini-blipathon with Daily Post, who I had lunch with today at Hambledon in The Chilterns. Lush day, sat in the beer-garden in the glorious sunshine. Fab to see him and J - she cooked a lovely supper last night and we had a great night of catching up, wine and Wii! Thanks guys...

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