Jess & Molly Law

By jml

I'm waiting ...

Jess has been off her food recently, and Molly knows it.

We always feed them apart. When Molly was brought home (8 weeks old - Jess was 30 months), she would gobble her food then try to snatch anything still in Jess's bowl. The last couple of days, Molly has somehow been aware that Jess has hardly touched her food, and has come running through as quickly as possible to get what she can before we have a chance to lift Jess's bowl.

Today, we have closed the kitchen door, giving Jess peace and quiet. If she wants to finish breakfast, she can, and we will be able to hold Molly back while we investigate.

Look at Molly - just raring to go! I sometimes think that she would keep on eating (if we gave her an ample sufficiency) until she burst!

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