Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat


Thank you so much for all the wonderful comments on yesterday's blip from my graduation (and those on my mum's blip too). I went out in the evening to celebrate in town with friends and this morning I was amazed by the response it had received. Whilst I may not know you, you're kindness was truly appreciated.

This morning I dragged my hungover sleepy head out of bed and headed across town for the first Beltane Walkthrough up on Calton Hill. It was a good day, the weather was kind to us and it was great to get the puppets we've spent weeks building, out in to the open. There's still a lot of superficial decorating needed and some wind adaptions to be made but they're getting there. This is our Fire Phoenix, he'll look less chicken-like when he's finished.

When I get caught up with my backblips, you will find that The Boy got a new camera recently (early birthday present). It's a nice little pocket sized one and so instead of me carting my chunky lump around for the day, we took his cute little one. It worked nicely and he had fun using the panorama settings to get some great shots.

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