A Navajo Taco

Went to the state fair today, with my son, daughter, granddaughter and friends to participate in the annual state fair Corvair show. While there we got a Navajo Taco, among other fair treats, like roasted corn, funnel cakes and strawberry fresco, a sugary solution that at one point was stored near strawberries. The baby was fascinated by everything and I made everyone admire my ribbons, a blue and 2 reds in ceramics.

A navajo taco is:
a paper plate sized piece of yeasty bread dough deep fried until golden,
topped with taco meat, supposedly beef, but can be mutton, and my son swears marmot, beans, either green or red chile, and then lettuce, tomatoes, onions and cheese. This one had green. A family favorite.

This is my shot for assignment #35.

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