A Wave On The Ocean

By Bensholto

Leave of absence


Time is getting increasingly tight.
I'm struggling to find time to take photos, there's even less time for me to get my own photos onto blip, never mind look through everyone else's journals, and there's also hardly any time to leave comments.
Personally I think it's just plain rude of me to post a blip and not reply to people who have taken the time to have a look and leave a comment.
It's been happening more and more so something's got to give.
I'd much rather not be here than just be rude.

So from today I'm taking a leave of absence.
I still plan on taking photos every day, and at some point I'd like to think that I might be in a position to return, get all my blips upto date, and then get things heading back to normal.

If not, well, at least I got to 414 consecutive blips. See you on the other side.


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