There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

Congratulations, Eagle Scout!

Trustworthy. Loyal. Helpful. Friendly. Courteous. Kind. Obedient. Cheerful. Thrifty. Brave. Clean. Reverent.

These are the words that appeared on the invitation to my nephew's Eagle Scout ceremony. They describe the characteristics that every Boy Scout is supposed to embody in everyday life.

The Boy Scout Web site describes the organization thus: "The Boy Scouts of America is one of the nation's largest and most prominent values-based youth development organizations. The BSA provides a program for young people that builds character, trains them in the responsibilities of participating citizenship, and develops personal fitness."

On Sunday afternoon, we drove to the Selinsgrove area to attend my 16-year-old nephew Joseph's Eagle Scout ceremony. The rank of Eagle Scout is the highest rank one can achieve in the Boy Scout program. Only three to four percent of the youths engaged in Boy Scouts ever become an Eagle Scout.

There were presentations, recitations, and recognitions galore. A congressperson or two or three even showed up to offer congratulations. Several hundred people, including my nephew's entire troop, showed up to celebrate the event, which was held in a church with beautiful stained glass windows where the troop usually holds its meetings.

Since she knew she would be up front and otherwise engaged in the ceremonies, Joseph's mother had asked if I would take some pictures of the ceremony. And indeed I did: I took more than 300 shots, mostly during the one-hour ceremony, but a few of the reception as well.

For the enjoyment of the food lovers, let me add these details. During the reception, we were served many kinds of hot wings, meatball subs, potato salad, pasta salad, veggie trays with dip, cake and cupcakes, fruit punch, and the absolute very best potato chips in the world, which is to say Middleswarth brand, both regular and bar-b-q.

I wish I could show you more pictures. In particular, the one of the red, white, and blue iced cupcakes with little white flags stuck in them, each flag featuring one of the words from the first paragraph of this posting, was really priceless.

But Joseph showing us his medal is even better, I think.

Congratulations, Joe; we are so very proud of you!

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