Let There Be Light

By solli

I Don't Heart Mosquitoes

It was a hot 90 degree day, and when I arrived at Watchung Lake, it was quite apparent that the mosquito larvae had hatched. There had to be hundreds of the transparent little buggers flying around these blossoms! Although normally I would never consider standing in the midst of them, they were too small to bite and the sweet orangy fragrance of the tree drove them to such a distraction they never noticed me.

My memory appears to be on the slippery slope as I realized today that I'd failed to register my car last December and also forgot to get it inspected. It's interesting to note just how many local cops one notices when one is ripe for a ticket. I counted fifteen between my house and the inspection station and every one had pulled the driver over for a violation.

Long day, will catch up with you all tomorrow!

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