Red Squirrel


'Room for Reflection

Guess what? It's been raining again most of today. No surprise there then....
We seem to have had loads of rain around here the last couple of years - and we now have a hosepipe ban (?!?!?!)
After doing lots of gardening on Saturday (the only decent day we've had in the last week or so) I awoke about 10 to 3 Sunday morning sneezing like crazy and with my nose streaming. Though I managed to get back to sleep once it had subsided, I was like it again Sunday, all Monday and yesterday and only today does it seem to be easing off a bit. Hot, itchy nose, spells of sneezing, spells of it running, and heavy eyes. I knew it wasn't a cold, so it had to be hayfever - something I don't normally suffer from. Then last night, arriving home, I suddenly realised that the large field to the left of the junction opposite my cottage was a mass of Oil Seed Rape - and on Saturday the strong winds had been blowing from that direction. Ooops!
With the rotten rain lunchtime I decided a blip-hunt may not be a good idea in the circumstances, so spent my lunch break sitting in my car reading a book a workmate insisted I should read, and has loaned me . I already knew what I could blip today anyway - what I'd been intending to do yesterday until the sunrays changed my plans. When I arrived home tonight and saw the cups of these 'shrooms part filled with water, and reflecting the sky and things above them, I decided that today was probably a better day to blip them than yesterday would have been anyway!

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