A Beautiful Life

By flybytheseat

Rainy Downtown Adventure

The day started out with decent weather. I really didn't think it would rain, even thought the weather man predicted it would.

My sweets and I took a trolley trip downtown to Sushi Deli, just to discover that the one downtown is closed on Sundays! So, we hopped on the bus and went to the Hillcrest location instead, since they are open on Sundays. We shopped around after lunch and then all of a sudden...the rain came. It didn't seem like many were prepared as they ran for cover!

I was prepared with my umbrella, though! Even though I didn't believe it would actually rain. And someone even made fun of me for carrying my umbrella...but BOOM! It DID rain, so there!

And it was nice. My love and I, strolling in the downtown showers.

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