Sunny spot

I'm off ill again (2nd day) - I have a never-ending runny nose that I don't want to inflict my work colleagues with. I feel dreadful being off sick so soon after coming back from holiday, but I really loathe it when ill people struggle into the office and sneeze and cough over everything, so I've stayed home.

On the plus side, it means I can edit my holiday photos between sneezes and running for more packs of tissues and hot cups of herbal tea. The blips will be being back-dated one by one - F and I have a fabulous time. And we were both extremely healthy until we hit London - now both of us have colds. Pollution? Getting drenched on Jura? Sinister result of tick bites? We've ruled out the last one I think as it seems to be just a cold each.

Whisky is keeping us ill folk company by sitting in the sunny spot in the garden. We spotted a tick on him yesterday - the b@stard must have travelled back down with us on our boots/bicycles/tent/ panniers. He was very good and sat still while we pulled the nasty out. Then we drowned it in gin. Not a bad way to go!

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