The long journey

By thelongjourney


Everyone I met on the road talked about visiting the chocolate factory in Sitka...and how could I bypass this. To make myself feel better about spending a day eating free samples of chocolate, I decided to rent a bike and cycle to the factory and around the scenic routes of Sitka.

I have to say, it was worth it! LOTS and LOTS of chocolate was laid across tables for people to try..and it tasted great. Brought some back with me too to give out as presents...if they ever get all the way across to england that is ;). They had a few varieties out, but definitely my favourite one was this that I captured on film: smooth milk chocolate with a hint of Ketchikan raven's coffee...mmmmmmhhhh! I cannot say no to chocolate, it is my guilty pleasure.

Made a few stops on the way too. The first one was at the whale park, a lookout point over the bay where the resident whales tend to gather the most. Saw a few of them as well as a couple of seals and sea lions. On the way back I also stopped at the raptor centre, a sort of recovery point for all types of raptors that are found injured and disoriented across the Alaskan woods. They had a few bald eagles on site, as well as owls and falcons. I have to say, one of the bald eagles was truly majestic. It was standing straight in its cage, with big sharp eyes when it suddenly opened its wings to fly to the other corner of the cage/room and catch a bit of food that had been left there from one of the rescuers. It was so powerful and delicate at the same time. A bit like the chocolate I had in the morning.


"Only the crumbliest
Flakiest chocolate
Taste like chocolate never tasted before"

Chocolate - James Blunt

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