Snips and Snaps


Teenager With Altitude

Fine weekend in the Lakes, despite the dire weather forecast. Arriving in Rosthwaite on Friday night we had time for a stroll across the road to the Scafell Hotel for a nightcap.

Saturday morning was bright with some cloud not too warm with a cool breeze in the valley and a biting wind on the tops. Pretty good day to be in the hills - with warm clothing. Ian was running in the TWA fell race which is an extension of the classic Anniversary Waltz. I was marshalling on the summit of Hindscarth at 2,385ft. Here's a couple of runners approaching the summit cairn at about 12m in with about 4m to go they'll have climbed a total of 7,600ft on the day. The mountain behind is Fleetwith Pike.

My fellow marshall Gavin is sending them to the cairn so we can record their numbers and account for all the entrants back at the start/finish. All went well and runners, supporters and organisers had a great day out.

Bit of a blipmeet see Runhills blip but sadly we failed to hook up with PaulFS who was also in Borrowdale at the weekend.

More snaps from the fell race here if it's of interest

2012 blip challenge for the week 8th January was 'exercise' - I think this counts :) Tag

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