
By dennisbarlow

She's leaving me.

When I joined my photographic society some eight years ago, my photography needed refreshing. I set myself the challenge of mastering something I'd never tried before; most of my photography was nature, travel and family. My preferred approach was to wait and see rather than direct, particularly with wildlife. You can learn about the habits of creatures but can't always influence them unless you resort to baiting or trapping.
I chose studio work; the wait and see option doesn't work and you really have to take control and direct your subjects. To add an extra dimension, I chose figure work; fine art nude studies in other words. And I found it really challenging, but thanks to a bunch of experienced studio workers who generously helped and guided me, I've reach a reasonable level of competence.
And that's where 'She' comes in. I won the Figure Trophy at the end of the year! So she's had a quick rub down and I need to return her to be engraved for the next recipient.
I can't recommend too highly joining a photography club or society. It helps you focus on your results, expose your work to other keen photographers and learn from seeing other people's work.

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