Splish splash!

Well, after last night's late night, Ben did not sleep in and neither did Charley. Well, Charley did sort of, I got away with waiting til 7am to change his nappy! Ben flaked out in the sofa watching Up! on repeat while he grazed on some breakfast, and Charley came and sat in the bathroom while I showered.

Definitely a successful morning! The rain has been persistent today though. It was still raining horizontally by the time we raced off out to preschool after lunch. First (1hr, accompanied visit) day today! Ben has been talking about going to school for WEEKS. It's his first settling in session today. We arrived, he took his coat off, almost as soon as we were in the door, he found his peg, off he went with a little girl and that was that! I settled Charley off to sleep and settled down in a corner to wait :)

I think the thing about this particular school setting is that it's all the things I'd love to have at home, if I only had the space and money - and staff to follow us round clearing up the spills and general detritus and making dinner and dealing with the laundry. It feels like a happy child centred home-like space. Ben is happy. That makes me happy!

We left after nearly two hours during which Ben only came over to play the protective big brother role, after Charley had woken up and had milk (and I'd had a handful of children asking about my boobies lol) and was sitting up giggling at the kids. He didn't want to come home but was quite excited about putting on his new hi-vis waistcoat over his jacket, and with the promise of going back on Friday he skipped and jumped and splashed his way home through the rain and the puddles.

We had to remove shoes, socks and trousers and put out near radiators to dry, and ran a bath! Charley was unimpressed with a piece of dry toast to gum on while we ate sausage casserole and rice, and had to be removed from my lap and confined to his bouncy chair because he kept lunging for my rice. Another month, kid, and you'll have all the rice and casserole you fancy to play with. I'm just not quite ready for the mess of baby-led-weaning yet..... I can cope with the odd stick of toast or veg but not full on rice and casserole!

Bedtime was much better tonight as well, both boys were ready for bed and accepting of it. Charley had to be restrained again as I lay down, the big cloth nappy certainly doesn't restrict him from rolling over when he's got determination on the brain.

And the craft kits are just about ready for posting. How rather exciting! Speaking of the messy mama, there's a new blog post out, about realising my calling. I'll put the blog permalink over on my profile :)

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