barking mad!

By mcd3


Back to school today ...very quiet kids and about 5 of us EA's in! - would have been a good day to take my camera in - but I forgot it!

Got away a wee bit earlier to let the plumber in as we havent had hot water - well we have had to turn the water off completely - since Friday night! Had to turn it on every so often to clear the back log - so to speak!!! As when the water was on it was pissing peeing out of the hot water tank which luckily is outside! ANYWAY its all sorted now and luckily done by a friend of Mr McDs who did it for .....FREE yes for FREE!! (we will give him some dosh later )

Went for a wander over the road to the bush with my camera and I just can't resist the shape of the banksia leaves! I like them better than the flowery bit!

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