Sneaky Peek

By SneakyPeek


I love Twitter and have to say I'm more than a little addicted. Everyone uses Twitter differently and each person has their own reason for being a part of it. I use it to connect and interact and, I have to say, I've met some truly wonderful people along the way and I've also made some lifelong friends. Twitter has made me laugh and it's made me cry but, most of all, it's made me think and that can only be a good thing.

The man behind the book is the fantastic Andrew Burnett who I met for the first time today and who I first met a few weeks back through the medium of Twitter. What Andrew doesn't know about social media isn't worth knowing and you can find out more about him and what he does by clicking on the link below. Andrew is also Head of Social Media at Yard Digital so, all in all, he knows his stuff!

Thanks for the coffee Andrew. It was great to finally meet you and let's catch up again soon!

Oh, and Twitter, I salute you! May you never stand at ease.........................

Andrew Burnett

Yard Digital

Here's the link to the song for today's entry. I hope you like it!
Social Media Song It's gloriously rubbish!

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