Let There Be Light

By solli

Barn Swallow

Hirundo rustica

I found the barn swallows at the Nomaheghan Lenape pond - they were doing a frenzied dance which was most remarkable considering the speed their little bodies cranked out. They soared high into the sky then swooped low to skim along the water. I watched in amazement as they took curves at breakneck speed, cutting figure eights into the air. After reading up a little on the swallow's habits, it appears they may have been feeding on insects just above the water level. I didn't see this, I saw a crazy dance, one following the other and they flew right at me as I stood on the bank with my camera! Of course I ducked to get out of their way!

I've no idea how long they'd been at it before I arrived but I spent an hour watching and they continued without ceasing.

I also saw a new bird to our area, a white heron and his mate. The mate flew off but this one walked stilt legged along, doing what herons do best when they want something to eat. He was joined by a red winged blackbird and his mate. Both dove into the brush so I'm guessing they've built a nest in there.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

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