Day 6 - Burlington, VT to Williamstown, MA

Said our goodbyes to Burlington - enjoyed our time there immensely. Spent the day driving right through the middle of Vermont to search for these - leaves! Partly the reason we came here, and they're just changing so it's perfect timing. Amazing views of a myriad of colours - reds, yellows, oranges and greens.

Visited the small villages of Weston, Grafton and Newfane - all cuter and sweeter than the last. Bought deli sandwiches from the general store in the latter village, and sat on the steps of the old courthouse munching them - inch thick beauties stuffed full of turkey, lettuce, tomato and mayo (What kind of turkey? What kind of bread? etc - great!). The weather just about stayed ok and the sun even made the odd appearance.

My favourite day so far I think - saw everything we wanted and more. Such an easy holiday - so effortless.

Home for the night is the Maple Terrace Motel in Williamstown. Off to Providence, Rhode Island tomorrow.

(Untinkered with BTW, not that I ever tinker with my pictures ;-)

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