There once was a girl who had a little curl..

That's a more apt rhyme for my son actually. When he's good he's very very good, but when he's bad he's absolutely effing vile horrid.
We used to say it about little one though, although actually, she's a pretty lovely thing all round.
When she was a very little one, she had a beautiful head of curls. Not when she was very, very little, just during the cute big baby/small toddler phase. When she was very little it was a bit straight and quiffy and odd.
I digress..
She had the kind of head of curls and blue eyes that made people stop in the supermarket and say "Isn't she BEAUUUUUUUUUUTIFUL!?"
Why yes. She was. Ha.
Then all the curls grew out and got cut off and never really reappeared. Her hair is pretty straight now which is a shame, but unlike mine, it's that good kind of straight that has a bit of curl lurking in the background, ready to be manipulated.
Mine just makes me look a bit like Neil from the Young Ones if I grow it long.
It stays short.

Little one does however go a bit wispy and curly on damp days.
I love it. She looks like an angel.
She says it's ok. It's the only kind of curly she likes (other than when I curled it LOADS for her uncle's wedding with tongs. That was ok apparently)

Today was a damp day.
Drought? What drought?

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