Move over Bridget........

By SuzStuff

lunch 180m above London? Don't mind if I do!

was a very lucky lady today and have come back to my blip in style. One of our customers very kindly invited me and my managers to have lunch at the Gherkin today. Didn't bode well for photo opportunities with the mosoon season moving in but we had a few breaks in the weather so we dashed to the windows with our cameras. Champagne to start - I have no idea what I had for my meal - but the starter involved an egg and had popcorn on it! Main course was cod and lobster and dessert was chocolate, praline and pear. Wonderful food and wonderful company - before we knew it, 4 hours had passed. I was punished at Waterloo by a signal failure on the way home but the champagne and photos dulled the pain ;o)

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