Annie and Chris

By AnnieAndChris


This is Yogi: I do not like change. After over 3 years of living here this should be perfectly clear. Annie thinks it's memories of moving to the RSPCA rescue centre I was at before I came here (actually I'm just fussy). I've tried to teach all the peopleoids whenever I can: sitting on all New Things That Come Into The House, sniffing the shoes of all newcomers and investigating every open cupboard in case something new has crept in.

So imagine my annoyance this morning when they decided to change the bedclothes. I'd worked hard to get the previous bedclothes as black cat hairy as I could that week and these new ones are just too bald! It will take me a full day of lolling to knock them into shape.

It annoys me every time they do this. I tried to take a stand on this occasion sitting firmly on the undersheet so it couldn't be spread and chasing any fingers that came too close. I am not pleased.

A very Happy Birthday to Immy...

P.S. Although she's a dog, I have been following the activities of Maud closely. * waves *

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