Let me in!

I'm being a bit irritating tonight, so Ann tells me?! She's threatened to advertise me on BLIP, as 'free for anyone who can put up with me'?!

I've had a lovely time with my dogsitter today. He took me for a long walk this afternoon and I was very, very good ...................................apart from going ballistic at a bus that passed me on the way home. I don't like buses - they make a horrible noise.

Anyway Ann picked me up after she'd finished work, brought me home, gave me my dinner and gave me a chew.

Since then I've asked to go out to play on the sun terrace three times. Usually Ann leaves the door open so I can go in and out as I please. Tonight though it's really cold so Ann has shut the door. Everytime I want to come in I have to knock.

....................And now she's getting irritated because she has to keep getting up to let me in. Honestly humans can be soooo annoying at times.

However, I hope she doesn't really want to give me away?! I know I'm a lucky little collie most of the time................................. A big garden to play in everyday might be nice though.......................Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.........................do you think I'd find another owner as nice as Ann????????????????

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