
Charley was up on the counter in his bumbo while I was chopping potatoes and Ben was making him laugh :)

Lazy morning today on account of me being poorly, lots of painkillers (which have been taking me from shivery and achey to boiling hot, just can't win!) and breakfast. Charley's a little cranky too and showing it by refusing to go to sleep in the sling, but wanting me to sit down with him for milk instead. Suited me fine - I got to watch The Voice (well, half of last Saturday's show) while Ben played games on the cbeebies website.

One thing I did do this morning was not use shampoo - found an interesting blog (whilst looking for something completely different, as usual!) and an idea about using baking powder and water, instead of shampoo. The idea is that instead of stripping your hair of its natural oils and prompting a response by the scalp to overproduce on the oils front, you just clean your hair and let it find a healthy balance. Hair looks and feels pretty good today! I think a chlorinated swimming pool once a week is going to take its toll though :-/

After lunch Ben went off to preschool again. I stayed for an hour, then went for a walk and left him for an hour. Said I wouldn't be long, had a kiss, and trotted off to the Post Office to post the Messy Mama craft packs! Huzzah :D Ben is settling in brilliantly. He was a little reluctant to go (I think he's a bit under the weather too) and asked me if I was going to stay, but once we got there he found his friend from Monday and I think he spent the whole two hours with him! Didn't once check on me. Was quite wonderful. It's really really exciting watching him grow up. I don't feel any sadness about it at all! I've nurtured that attachment for a reason, I know that he's not growing away from me, and I have no desire to keep him as a baby - I've been quite happily letting him grow up at his own rate ;-)

Home and pottered until Steve came home, he came in and said DON'T COOK ANYTHING!! Friends had called him to say they were coming with food!! They did indeed pop round (in the meantime I tidied the kitchen table instead of cooking - another blessing!) and Bella handed me the food saying she had to come round almost if only to say, Cheer up, Jeni! I LOVE that girl, she (and her family) is a beautiful beautiful person :D <3 We have been thoroughly blessed (I was going to say spoilt, but that's not true, it hasn't spoilt us!) by a huuuuge curry dinner. (Although it did get me thinking that if that's a normal sized dinner, we don't eat very much usually...)

Took the boys straight up to bed after that and slept all evening. (Hence why this will be a back blip!) Needed it! Did a quick whirlwind of housework after Steve came to bed and hopefully I'll get a decent sleep even with Ben insisting on resting a leg on my back....

We are so blessed :)

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