
The sky was shaping up to be clear.

By the time I had got the telescope out of the shed I had decided that I wasn't even going to attempt to align it properly. Slew to the moon, fire off 5 shots, and get back inside.

Is anyone else experiencing very chilly and quite gusty windy weather? It's vile here.

Telescope is now away - the viewing is shocking. What looks like a clear night is not actually so - there is a distinct haze which is causing halo effects around everything I view.

So, as I have just pondered elsewhere...really, how much do we really need a garden? Do we need it so much that I am risking hypothermia or should we sacrifice the garden in favour of a (heated) observatory that can house me and the telescope in comfort. Maybe with a kettle in there as well? A bit of an indulgence? Ah well, I can do without the kettle!

Thank you for all of your lovely comments from yesterday. Still a little overwhelmed, but have been brought back to earth with a bump by the reality of coursework marking and an escalation of the same old pain today.

12 days till the consultant appointment and yes, I am very much counting the minutes. Corin and I stayed up very late last night talking and I explained that I am concerned that my pain threshold is getting higher and higher and that as a result I sometimes take the pain for's there, been there for 18 months, I sometimes tune it out like I tune out the noise of a class full of teenagers. It worries me that I may dismiss the extent of this problem when I am seeing the consultant. I don't like to make a fuss. Wise husband told me "That is what your pain diary is for". I have re-read it today. I will not be dismissing the extent of the problem. Not now!

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