
By hoodedpigwoman

Nothing About Us Without Us Is For Us

I didn't have any big plans for the weekend - it's the last one before the election so I wasn't expecting to do anything much, but then yesterday I saw something about this event today.

So we got up early and packed a picnic, caught a bus and went to the Science Centre for a couple of hours, which was pretty quiet and Alexander ran amok. We ate our picnic and then set out again to walk to Govan centre, during which Alexander fell asleep.

The big event was part of the Glasgow International Festival of Visual Arts, and has been a year-long project in Govan. Today was about linking Govan to the opposite side of the river Clyde (which is part of Govan parish) by various forms of communication. This shows signal flags (the designs and meanings have been developed during the project) being flown from Govan, and answered from the Riverside Museum and Tall Ship on the opposite bank.

We wandered down to have a look at the trebuchet which was firing clay balls with messages inside. My boss was there too. The trebuchet had been made by one of our partner organisations and they named it after their administrator. I'm not sure if that's put ideas in AltoJude's head. God knows what they might name after me...

Free travel was provided all day on the ferry which goes over to the Riverside Museum, so we got on the boat, at which point Alexander woke up, and we went to look at the car display. Then we joined back in with the art - shouting greetings in Chichewa back over to Govan. After all this we headed home to have a non-cultural sit down.

Fiona (who I met in Newcastle station the other day) is up to help with the election so she came for dinner, so we got to have a proper chat. Now I have sore feet, sunburn and a tummy full of takeaway curry (and leftovers for the week).

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