Circle of the Seasons

By GCleare

Fun Weekend with My Peeps

I just got back from the New England Chapter of the RWA's annual conference, which was held this year in Salem, Massachusetts. (RWA=Romance Writers of America)

What a great group of writers. Mostly women, very warm and supportive, and they sure do know how to have a good time! The after-dinner activity on Friday evening was readings done by three of Salem's registered psychics, and on Saturday night there was a ghost hunt. (By then I was too exhausted to move, except for my hand, which managed to reach for the phone to call room service...)

Thanks to all the wonderful ladies who ran the show, it was *spectacular*!

Came home to find my little fluffy new babies had fared well during my absence in their heated box on the screened porch. I think this Rhode Island Red was smiling at me?! She was certainly glad to see the chicken food I sprinkled into the feeder.

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