Sparrows weather the storm

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Oh this weather :( Not good for wildlife photography. So depressing, I just can't get out there & delight myself in the wonders of all things nature. It's standing by the garage door, half in, half out, trying to get a shot of the house sparrows waiting so patiently for some worms to be thrown their way. I love the male house sparrow in the middle, the expression is priceless. I had the wrong lens on for this shot (there comes her excuses again... sorry).

As for poor little wet mouse (Little Larry)

Let me in!

Thanks for the Spotlight for yesterday's Godzilla's! I haven't seen them today, but then, I haven't ventured out past the garage door! xxx

Oooo edit! I blipped a house sparrow on this day last year... another blip coincidence it seems! :D

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