
By Memoir

A window to an opportunity :)

We wake up everyday with a to do list... I will be happy all day .. i will not fight.. i will learn a new thing.. i will help a person .. i will only read a book today and sun bathe... bt does everyday turn out the way we plan it or hope for it to be .. I guess for most of us it does not ... But at times we find ourselves presented with opportunities and learning from our daily experience i feel we should grab that opportunity right away.. the window to that opportunity might just close and never open again .. we actually tend to think a lot at times to make a decision and lose the precious time we have .. its tough really tough to make decisions.. should i take a new road to college today perhaps not what if the day goes bad?? should i call my friend today or probably it can wait till tomorrow .. tomorrow never comes.. its true ...

Why think so much ... just go ahead do what your heart says ... now that does not mean go jump out the window or be the hulk and cause destruction .. but yes if your heart says take the left take it .. may be you find our life partner that day ... if your heart says eat the chocolate cake eat it (if you wish exercise later ) but what if the cake factory stops tomorrow ... we live in a mortal world .. nothing is meant forever.. so make use of the opportunity you are faced with ...

If you love someone tell them may be tomorrow may be too late ( by this i dont mean they'll die but because if you dont someone else will take away that opportunity)... be in love .. get angry (not like the hulk ) dance in the rain.. be stupid ... cry a little .. hug someone.. life is too short a window of opportunity to be missed .. live each day as it were your last .. and always remember everything and every person happens for a reason ... sooner o later you will know it ... every step in life teaches a lesson some probably a negative one but its a lesson either way .. learn from your mistakes... grow a little but let the child in you be alive .. be innovative .. be creative be expressive ... just be your own self stop pretending to be what you are not .. those who appreciate you the way you are are the ones who will be there forever ...

if you want to die peacefully live today !!

:) :) :) :)

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