An Irish Guy Abroad



For a year there has been a plan that we go to Yorkshire sculpture park for Cath's birthday of course unlike last year which was sunny and warm today was a terrible. An alternative plan was hastily arranged and Cath's parents were invited up to ours so we could bring them out to dinner. They countered with an alternative where they provided food and we cooked it.

This plan suited me as I have spent a lot of this weekend working through our sourdough baby. I have prepared pizza dough for Cath's actual birthday on Tuesday, baked a bread but as we have a sweet sourdough it was a little odd, nice dense and sweet. Then I made another friendship cake.

This afternoon I made some sourdough cranberry muffins and a normal loaf of bread. Then I cooked the food that May and Arthur brought while I made and iced the cake. We have had a very happy celebratory evening with loads of food and cake followed by some games of cards.

Of course I was supposed to be studying, I am a very industrious procrastinator.

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