Journey Through Time

By Sue

White Poppy

I just love poppies. They are just delightful. I have none in my yard, however. I've planted them before, and they just disappear. I have no idea what happens to them. I think my husband thinks they are a weed and they get pulled from the yard before they bloom. That's one theory anyway. So, this is a poppy at the store. I went to look at plants but ended up not getting anything.

The avian world was not very cooperative today. I kept seeing those little warblers but they were very busy chasing each other and I wasn't in the mood to sit and wait for them to magically pose for me. So, I watched a movie. I wanted to see "Hugo" and I figured my men folk wouldn't be too interested in it, so I watched it today. I was right..I doubt they would have enjoyed that movie at all. It was interesting and since I really didn't know what it was about, I was surprised as to where this movie went in the story line.

And nobody wanted to play my "Guess where this song came from game". Well, that was the sign off song every week on the Lawrence Welk show. What, nobody out there has seen Lawrence Welk? LOL

So, I won't be clever today. I must go and fix dinner. It's fast and it's pretty good.
This is a Rachel Ray recipe...sort of. Take your ground chicken/turkey and mix in a little dried dill seasoning and chop up a few mushrooms (you don't need much). Chop it really nice and fine and mix into the ground chicken. This adds moisture to the meat. You can add an egg if you want which helps hold it together. You can make it into patties or into a loaf and bake it like a meat loaf. I usually make patties and fry them and then add a bit of canned cream of chicken soup, for added flavor. Goes well with broccoli and a green salad.

Have a good evening/day Blippers. See ya later. Thanks for the kind words, stars and favs for the hummingbird.

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