A Blooming Bike

This elegant Pashley lady's bicycle is regularly parked outside the Dower House, but never garlanded with flowers as it is today.
The flowers were fresh, nothing artificial for this queen of bikes.
It caused a lot of interest from passers by and we could only hazard a guess as to the reason for this floral arrangement in the front basket. Perhaps the owner is Dutch; I imagine it's the sort of thing you might see in the Netherlands.

His Lordship and I had thought to have coffee and then a walk, but he, the hill trekker in any sort of inclement weather, declared it too cold, and retreated home, leaving me and my camera to enjoy a walk together before ending up with a pop in to a fellow cyclist who had just returned tanned and fit from a cycling holiday in Majorca, thus missing a fortnight of late winter here.

This being May Day, I turned down the chance of a predawn tramp up Arthur's Seat for the Edinburgh yearly ritual of washing one's face in the dew at sunrise.

I did it as a student with less than spectacular results in the beauty department. Better then to have a longer lie in bed and wish success to all those who made it to the top this morning.
I'm not sure it counts if there is no sunrise, just a chilly grey lightening of the sky.

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