
By JillyMint

My first cuckoo!!

Not the best photograph in the world but at least you can tell what it is. I've never seen one before.
Slow down Jill. Tell the story properly. In the bathroom (that's being polite) at 6.30am; heard a cuckoo calling close by; grabbed the 5D and put my head out of the window in time to take this shot over next door's wall (complete with clothes pegs on their washing line). Fired off 3 shots and then it was gone; heart beating.
Not seen or heard it since so don't know if it was a fleeting visit or what. Rain started an hour later and it has only just stopped.
Been into Birmingham again for my weekly brain training. M6 traffic awful (roadworks until spring 2014!!!) so journeys in and out took twice as long as they should. YUK
Early to bed tonight - I'm going in the hide early (before work) in case it comes back.
Not putting EXIF data as it is embarrassing (didn't have time to change it)!

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