blip art :: xb

By xb


One of the advantages of backblipping is being able to tell, with 100% accuracy, what is going to happen next. This pic is one half (the good half) of an experiment that made up my mind that my new Fujifilm camera - used for the first time for Saturday's blip - was rubbish. So tomorrow, I took it back to Tesco for a full refund. (Weird mix of tenses there, made possible by my foresight).

User Review: Useless in low light - poor image quality and struggles to focus unless well lit.

So, Saturday's blip is unique. My solitary Fujifilm blip. At the moment, the only Fujifilm FinePix T350 blip on At the moment, 0.099% of my blipfoto experience. And for me, that's one blip too many.


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