Mediocrity Photography

By EqoZ

Drip Drop

I've been home sick for the last couple of days, so excuse the lack of updates from me please. (I did, however, just backBlip an entry from Monday, so if you feel so inclined, track back and view that one as well)

Not sure what hit me, but it wasn't serious. I started with a little feeling in my throat, almost sore, but more like when you're coming down with a cold. And there it stayed for a couple of days. Wednesday morning I was feeling particularly fatigued and achy, so I stayed home from work (no fever) and continued to do so today. I'm waiting for results on a test for Strep, but I'm glad to say the rest seems to have helped, I'm feeling a bit less tired.

Today was an odd weather day, high temperatures we hadn't seen since the one nice week in March (70's, yay!), sunshine, and periods of heavy, heavy rain. Followed by more sun, and more rain. I needed to make a short trip to the food store (out of salt. can you believe it? how often does that happen? can't salt-water gargle without salt) so I grabbed a raincoat and umbrella and got some fresh air.

Fortunately my preparation was not in vain, I was treated with a steady downpour the entire walk home, it was wonderful. I hunkered under my umbrella with enough relative safety to have fun capturing (or trying to capture) some rain in a puddle. It's fun to walk out in the rain, I don't do it enough.

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