Rose-Tinted Spectacles

By WildWildWesti

Toddled down to the beach after school today, still perfect conditions, water still great :)......
Earlier in the day, I had grabbed a nappy for Miss 2 and thought 'will I ever be free of nappies?'....later that day, (15 minutes into our glorious beach visit), Miss 6 comes up to me and says she needs to go to the toilet. I sigh and say, terribly uncaring of where we were, well we only just got here so just sit in the water and go......she replies, 'But I need to do POO'S!'.....oh shit, is my reply...and I think ironically, pity she's to old to just stick a nappy on, gross I know, but when you've taken the time to go down to the beach after school, the amount of time it would take to go home again and come back just negates the whole 'fun-ness' of the event because it becomes a boring bloody chore. Anyway, I told her to hold on...she did for 2 minutes before she said we had to go...we went...Miss 2 did a poo in her nappy on the walk back to the car :p Miss 6 got home and was lickedy split on the toilet....that was quick, I said....yeah it was, she said....I only needed to do wee's..

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