Into my 5th decade

I like to start every birthday with a run. Today was no exception. I'm a little more grateful with each passing year that I can still run (albeit nursing an injury this year).

Now I think about it the run came second. The hunter phoned at some inhuman hour of the morning. He's an early riser and wanted to be the first to wish me happy birthday. Hard to be grumpy with that :-)

It's a day where I chose to spend it with Mum and Dad, and with the hunter. The former have loved, supported, encouraged and nurtured me and for that I'm eternally gratefully. The latter adds another dimension to my life and somehow I'm a better person because of him. For that I'm eternally grateful too.

Lots of love and laughs from my siblings, extended family and friends. I am a blessed and fortunate woman. I think the years ahead could be very good indeed.

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