Lemmys Space

By Lemmy

My new to me Car

And your very lucky to get two bits of
me thrown in for good measure LOL
As you can see I have my pink camouflage
fleece on !!
Mr Lemmy is shaking in his his books at
the thought of there being two of me :-))
I drove the car home and it wasn't too bad
I will just have to drive it a lot to get used
to it, a good thing it has a small engine so
cheaper to run.
I took no 3 grand daughter to the wonderful
New Look last night to buy something for
her May day celebrations at the weekend
and got lots of young lads looking at my new
to me car, then they saw me and looked away !!!!!!!!!!
How strange I thought LOL
Have a great day everyone it's blustery here.

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