Red Squirrel


Battered And Shattered

The state of these 'shrooms, which are clustered on the grass area opposite the main entrance to County Hall, makes me think they've suffered the effects of the rain and winds we've had over the last week (though I doubt the 'shrooms themelves are even that old).

Battered and shattered describes the way I feel right now - I've had the most horrible couple of weeks sleep-wise, and last night was one of the two worst ones I've had. Way after 3 when I finally got to sleep, then when the alarm went off I woke feeling yukky with a slight headache (on the plus side I woke from a really lovely dream). I debated whether or not to go to work, but I had a couple of urgent things I needed to get done today, so in I went. Despite brightening up a bit late morning, by mid-afternoon I felt rubbish again - heavy eyed, headachy and even a slightly queasy stomach. I couldn't wait to finish, get done the shopping I needed and get home. Now I need to eat, and I just keep thinking of my bed. I feel as if I've been run over by a steamroller - not that I ever have, but that's how i reckon it'd feel! lol
I can't even be bothered to upload to Photobucket today, so 'going large' involves the magnifying glass.
It may be the weekend but no celebratory Friday evening for me tonight ....

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