Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

N is for.....

N is for New Theatre!

If you're a regular follower of my journal you know I love the theatre, and the New Theatre in Cardiff is a regular haunt of mine. I love the theatre, live drama or musicals are a wonderful experience, I'd recommend you going.

The New Theatre was originally built in 1906 and has seen many of the greats appear there over the years, Laurel and Hardy, Richard Harris, Ian McKellen, Anthony Hopkins and Vanessa Redgrave. It has also appeared in Doctor Who, in the episode the Unquiet Dead with Christopher Eccleston, Billie Piper and Simon Callow as Charles Dickens.

It's a wonderful oldy worldy theatre, full of history and character and I love it!

Today I went to see the Globe Theatre's interpretation of Shakespeare's Henry V, and it was a great performance. Although I still haven't got a clue what's been said in Shakespeare's play but I love them!

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