Journal of a Jessica

By Wallflower

Mr. Lennon, is that you?

Luna is becoming more like me every second. Sitting in the garden watching the world go by, while sporting some John Lennon glasses. Perfect.

I've given myself the weekend to eat properly, to see how I go. And it's made me miserable. So as from tomorrow, that's it.

I've come to the conclusion that I don't deserve friends. Whoever I'm friends with, they just seem miserable around me, like they don't enjoy my company. But I'm a complex person, and people have told me that. I'm not even worth getting to know, because it's such a long and tiresome process. But not only that, I just mess people around. One minute I want social contact and am particularly nice to people, the other I just don't want to talk to people and just want to be alone. And no one deserves to be treat like that. But I think people are past the point of caring about me, and I'm just going to have to accept that.

Song of the day. This is great. I can't stop singing along.

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