The McManus

Woke up at 12.30 this afternoon, having fallen asleep watching telly at 10pm last night. We never sleep that long!

Glad to be back, even if the weather is the same dull, wet, grey as it was when we left.

Took this en-route home from Scout run this evening. Its the The McManus, Dundee's art gallery and museum, originally called The Albert Institute as it was conceived as a Memorial to Prince Albert.

Here's as shot of how it looked about 100 years ago.

This one is in memory of Molly who died a year ago. She was one of the first people to comment on my blips and welcome me to blip, and it was sad to hear of her passing a year ago. I know a lot of people associate her with Tuscany, but she was also from the Carse, having lived in the castle at Fingask before selling up and moving to Tuscany, so i'm pretty sure she will have been in the McManus many times.


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