
By J0shua

The other side

West side of the Harbour Bridge tonight, similar kind of photo to yesterdays blip. Today was interesting for so many reasons, lets focus on the photography side. When you leave home/work what do you check for? the camera, battery, flash, lens.... memory card. So I left work walked a couple of km (mile) and during the walk I was planning what I wanted to shot, ISO settings, exposure times, checking what time the moon would rise etc etc. Camera out, #^#$^@*(! no CF card!

Ok 5 seconds to decide walk back to office and get card! Abort and just go home! Or use the point n shoot, which for some reason I threw in the bag this morning! Clearly I stayed and took photos. Anyway at home, photos uploaded and a number of photos have been destroyed by some weird colour re-casting. I need to work out what I did, what setting did this, all my moon shots are destroyed..... hmmm!

A few photos did work out, hope you like it! limited choices.

LARGE harbour LARGE bridge LARGE scene

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