This is not a cat!

This is not a cat blip ...................... it's another 'rant' blip!

Today I went down to the river to play with my new yellow bouncy ball. Ann took a fantastic photo of me retrieving my ball, totally unaware that a big black cat was sitting only about 12inches away watching me.

However, Ann uploaded all her photos onto 'photoshop elements' which she is learning to use as part of the 'Open University Introduction to Digital Photography' course that she is doing. And then guess what.................she couldn't upload the photo onto BLIP?! Apparently 'you cannot upload images directly from photoshop elements'???????????? So just what is the point of being able to edit and change things and have fantastic photos if you can't share them with anyone???

Never again is Ann going to do an 'online' course without a 'real live tutor' to talk to. All she wanted to learn was how to take better photos of me. The way things are going she's getting so fed up that she might even stop blipping.

BLIP people are nice though and through BLIP we have met Kirstie and Carrie. They are coming for lunch next week. They are both very good photographers and they don't know it yet but Ann is going to ask them for lots of 'handy hints'.

...........Perhaps they will be able to tell Ann how she can make me look even more gorgeous than I already am, because the way things are going I'm going to be taken down the beach so that Ann can chuck her camera in the sea?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS - The photo of me totally unaware that a cat was watching me is one of the best photos Ann has ever taken but I guess it's lost forever. So tonight you have 'ECD' (emergency cute dog) blip!

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