David J. Rose

By djrose007

Bit of a blipless day

Today I are mostly been finalising my bundle of documents for tomorrows Employment Tribunal against Nortel Networks.
So when it got to late afternoon I realised I hadn't blipped. I got Marlane to take a photo of Foxy and I in the kitchen. Bit narcissistic but Marlane doesn't like having her photo taken so the option was yet another one of Foxy.
I could have featured Jonty today but he was asleep on the bed with our eldest daughter. She was off work sick today after having root canal treatment, at the dentist, for an abscess, yes, it was very painful!
I would like to blip the judge for tomorrows blip but I want to keep on the right side of him so I won't push my luck !

By the way, my face isn't really that fat! I think it just look like that because I'm smiling.

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