Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

The spiral project

Busy busy busy day. 2 appointments downtown, not far from the blocked streets and crowds hoping to get a glimpse of President Obama in town today. My routes were OK. Got this quick blip walking home. Have noticed a huge pile of branches in the south end of Lake Union lately and wondered what that was about. Today, on foot, there is the start of a round spiral and a small sign that says
" Why this project: together with artists & volunteers, we will create a 300 foot long spiral sculpture from branches to bring awareness to the reality of family homelessness in our community. We believe art is an exercise in empathy, which can create a common space for connection & discussion. Join us in our effort to tie these broken branches into a spiral of hope. See you at Lake Union Park"

I wanted to tie branches.

I also wanted the beautiful blue lake in the picture. Had an early row there. This is a new lens I'm trying and it wasn't set right for this particular photo but it is what it is. :-) (more about it later.......)

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